Developer Simon Stuart from LaKraven Studios Ltd. has released a cached text rendering library for Delphi XE7 Firemonkey. Simon is also the author of the awesome MonkeyMixer component which lets you use FMX and VCL forms in the same app. Basically this cached text rendering library uses a helper class to inject new caching functionality into the existing Firemonkey TCanvas. You enable the helper class by putting his FMXE.Helpers.Canvas unit in your uses clause. You can then use the new TCanvas.DrawCachedText() function to draw text on your TCanvas and each additional draw is cached which makes it really really fast. By cached it basically means it is drawn to a bitmap once and then the bitmap is re-used instead of drawing it again. There is sample code on his blog post. This draw cached text is along the same lines as the TImageCacheLayout component which is to say you can use bitmap caching throughout Firemonkey to vastly increase the speed. It should run on all Firemonkey platforms which are Android, IOS, Windows, and OSX plus it should work in Appmethod as well. The library is free on Github but Simon is available for contract work.
Or head directly to Github and download the cached text rendering library.