RiverSoftAVG has a charting component suite which has been recently updated to work with Delphi XE5 Firemonkey on IOS and Android. Apparently the component suite was first developed as an alternative to TeeChart and while it may be less powerful hopefully it is easier to use. The charting components are free to use for non-commercial use but for commercial use you can buy a license. The licensing is very simple and may be less onerous than the licensing for TeeChart. In any event it supports the following chart types: Area, Arrow, Bar, Line, Pie, Point, Shape, Graph (Flowchart), Equalizer, Guides, Chart-in-Chart, and Path. It runs on all Firemonkey platforms, supports Firemonkey Effects, and supports zoom and pan. You can define chart values at design time and you can change the visibility of each chart value. There are also some demo applications where you can see the component in action.