Developer Dennis D. Spreen has released an upgraded wrapper component for Lua 5.3 that allows you to run Lua scripts in Delphi XE7 Firemonkey. The wrapper which is called VerySimple.Lua uses the Lua static and dynamic libraries to enable the component on Android, IOS, Windows, and OSX. Between this component and paxCompiler you can now interpret Lua, Object Pascal, Basic, and Javascript on all four Firemonkey platforms at runtime. Blizzard uses Lua as the scripting language in World of Warcraft as one example of where people use Lua. There is some sample code for using the wrapper on the blog post itself. There is also more sample code for using VerySimple.Lua and interpreting Lua scripts in both FMX and VCL on Google Code and in the download. This Lua scripting interpreter component should also work with Appmethod. It is free and full source code is available. A dynamic library is used on Android, OSX, and Windows. A static library is used on IOS. I looked through the code and here is a snippet for how it loads the dynamic Lua library:
// check if Library exists
if not FileExists(LoadPath) then
raise ELuaLibraryNotFound.Create('Lua library "' + QuotedStr(LoadPath) + '" not found');
// try to load the library
LibraryHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(LoadPath));
if LibraryHandle = 0 then
raise ELuaLibraryLoadError.Create('Failed to load Lua library "' + QuotedStr(LoadPath) + '"'
{$IF defined(POSIX)} + (String(dlerror)){$ENDIF});
lua_newstate := GetAddress('lua_newstate');
lua_close := GetAddress('lua_close');
Head over and download the full source code for the Lua scripting interpreter for Delphi XE7 Firemonkey on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows.