Thomas Grubb from Riversoft AVG has written a series of blog posts comparing the performance of the different Delphi versions from Delphi 2010 to Delphi XE6. Riversoft AVG has quite a few components available that we have covered before; including an SVG component for Firemonkey. Some of the performance comparisons are for for VCL but a lot of them are for Firemonkey on Windows, OSX, Android, and IOS. The main tests in the comparisons are adding items to a TListBox and a TMemo and then drawing directly on a TCanvas verses using Firemonkey primitives to handle drawing. The conclusion post combines all the results and shows which Delphi versions are fastest on which platforms. For Firemonkey Win32 the winner was Delphi XE3. For Firemonkey Win64 the winner was Delphi XE3 again. Delphi XE6 came in third on performance for Firemonkey on Windows. For Firemonkey on OSX the winner was Delphi XE4 with Delphi XE6 coming in second. For Firemonkey on IOS the winner was Delphi XE4 with Delphi XE6 coming in second. For Firemonkey on Android the winner was Delphi XE6. And finally when all of the scores from all of the platforms and versions are combined the conclusion is that Delphi XE6 is the version that wins overall for performance (in addition to supporting all four platforms). If you had a specific performance need you might be able to go back and specifically pick which version to use to get the best performance for the target platform. But overall the final conclusion of the series is that Delphi XE6 Firemonkey is generally better overall than previous versions for “Quality, Performance, and Stability”.