Get access to over 100 FireMonkey cross platform samples for Android, IOS, OSX, Windows, and Linux!


25 Free Cross Platform Samples For Delphi’s 25th Anniversary On Android, IOS, OSX, Windows, Linux

| Delphi 11 10 XE8 XE7 XE Seattle Berlin Tokyo Rio Firemonkey Delphi Android Delphi IOS

Delphi | Delphi 11 10 XE8 XE7 XE Seattle Berlin Tokyo Rio Firemonkey Delphi Android Delphi IOS's 25th AnniversaryDelphi is celebrating it’s 25th Anniversary this year and I am going to outline 25 different Delphi FireMonkey demos which should run cross platform on Android, IOS, OSX, Windows, Linux, and HTML5. The main repo for the demos is over on Github and there are 100 Cross Platform Samples there (plus the same set of demos for C++ developers!). In this post we are going to highlight 25 of the most significant demos in the 100 demo list. Let’s get started!

#1 98-EmojiApp – Display and use emoji’s.

#2 99-DrawApp – Draw tools and canvas.

#3 92-MusicPlayerApp – Play music files with TMediaPlayer.

#4 95-NewsReaderApp – Consume RSS feeds.

#5 79-EmailApp – Connect to IMAP and SMTP in this email app.

#6 85-EncryptedSQLite – Create and access an encrypted SQLite database.

#7 87-InstagramFeed – Create an Instagram style image feed.

#8 94-PlaySounds – Play sounds across multiple platforms.

#9 77-Signature – Record signatures on a canvas.

#10 65-WebView – Embed a webview (web browser) in your app.

#11 67-NotesApp – Classic take notes style app.

#12 69-MakeScreenshot – Take screenshots within your app.

#13 71-HTTPPost – Send an HTTP post request.

#14 89-HTTPImage – Download an image from HTTP.

#15 90-NativeConnectivity – Check the connectivity status of your device.

#16 88-RESTToSQLite – Download from a REST service and insert it into an SQLite database.

#17 57-RunAtStartup – Run code at the start of your app (after the splash screen).

#18 56-SimpleBarChart – Create a simple bar chart in your app.

#19 49-Camera – Utilize the device camera in your app.

#20 32-SnackBar – Create a pop up message bar at the bottom of your app.

#21 31-BottomSheets – Create a pop up menu from the bottom of the app.

#22 100-AnimatedGIF – Display animated GIFs in the app.

#23 09-AsyncREST – Make an asynchronous REST request from within your app.

#24 08-FrameTabs – Break up a large app across tabs into modular frames.

#25 44-TodoList – Create a classic todo app.

Finally, head over to the Delphi 25th Anniversary site to check out some history about Delphi and what’s ahead in 2020 according to the Delphi Roadmap.

Have Delphi Firemonkey questions? Ask and get answers on StackOverflow.

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