TMS Software has released 6 new Firemonkey components for Delphi XE7 Firemonkey. These components are part of the TMS Pack for Firemonkey which is a cross platform component pack supporting Android, IOS, Windows, and OSX. If you haven’t seen TMS Pack before it contains 56 controls now. The new controls contained in this update are as follows. TTMSFMXIPEdit which is a mask edit control for inputting IP addresses. TTMSFMXGraphicCheckLabel which is a checkbox with configurable checkmark image so you can have a checkbox that is a heart or a star or whatever image you want. TTMSFMXLabelEdit which is a label with built-in inplace editor so you can click the label or the edit button on it and it turns into an edit box which you can save or cancel.
TTMSFMXRadioGroupPicker is a picker version of TTMSFMXRadioGroup which means you click a drop down and it pops up. TTMSFMXCheckGroupPicker is also a picker version of TMSFMXCheckGroup (same as the radiogroup picker). And finally TTMSFMXToolBar which is a full featured toolbar that supports the following components: TTMSFMXToolBarButton, TTMSFMXToolBarSeparator, TTMSFMXToolBarFontNamePicker, TTMSFMXToolBarFontSizePicker and TTMSFMXToolBarColorPicker. This is a commercial component suite but there is a free trial available. All of these component should also work in Appmethod.