Joaquin Monedero from Embarcadero built a Bejeweled clone for Delphi Firemonkey as a CodeRage 8 demo called Jweled. Originally it was built for Delphi XE5 Firemonkey but it should work in Delphi XE6 Firemonkey (I loaded it up in AppMethod). It should run on all of the Firemonkey platforms which are Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. The main idea behind Bejeweled is the Match 3 mechanic. Which is to say you have to match 3 of the same icon in a straight line. You do this by selecting an icon and swapping it with another icon that is next to it. When you match 3 icons together they poof and more icons drop down from the top to replace them. You have a limited amount of time to match as many icons as you can. A twist on this idea can be seen in the popular mobile game Puzzle & Dragons where you can swap an icon with any other icon on the grid. You could easily re-skin this demo and expand it into a full game. The demo includes a full local high score system. There is some interesting code in there including a function called CreateTextAnimation which creates a piece of text and animates it upwards using TFloatAnimation before disappearing. Here is that function:
procedure TfrmGame.CreateTextAnimation(i, j: Integer; Const aValue: string; aTextType: TTextType);
lText: TText;
lEffect: TGlowEffect;
lAni: TFloatAnimation;
lText := TText.Create(nil);
lText.Parent := BoardLayout;
lText.Text := aValue;
lText.WordWrap := False;
lText.AutoSize := True;
lText.Position.X := i * fCellWidth;
lText.Position.Y := j * fCellHeight;
lText.HitTest := False;
lText.Font.Style := [TFontStyle.fsBold];
lEffect := TGlowEffect.Create(lText);
lEffect.Parent := lText;
lAni := TFloatAnimation.Create(lText);
lAni.Parent := lText;
lAni.PropertyName := 'Position.Y';
lAni.StartValue := lText.Position.Y;
lAni.StopValue := lAni.StartValue - fCellHeight;
lAni.OnFinish := DoTextFinish;
case aTextType of
lText.Font.Size := 15;
lText.Color := TAlphaColorRec.White;
lEffect.GlowColor := TAlphaColorRec.Black;
lEffect.Softness := 0;
lAni.Duration := 2;
lText.Font.Size := 30;
lText.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Magenta;
lEffect.GlowColor := TAlphaColorRec.Black;
lEffect.Softness := 0;
lAni.Duration := 4;
Head over and download the full source code of the Bejeweled clone in Delphi XE6 Firemonkey.
Wow! I would love to try this out this weekend 🙂
Not found “Hall.txt”.
That’s where it stores it’s high scores I believe. Maybe just create a text file named that? I was able to run it under AppMethod (though I don’t think it looked correct) and didn’t see that error but I didn’t pass the first level either.
Awesome work 🙂
I’ve tested on ios 7.1 and it crashes loading the app, this on a iphone 5, but it runs ok in the iphone emulator, any clue on this?
On my s3 it runs just fine!
I’ll try to test it on IOS soon. In the mean time you can debug the problem with:
So, Can you create a class to simplify code reuse?