Woll2Woll Software has a grid component suit called FirePower for Delphi XE7 Firemonkey. This grid component is optimized for mobile devices and works on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. According to the information available about the component suite it is the fastest grid component currently available for Firemonkey. It allows you to embed controls like buttons and images into the grid. It supports multiple columns and you can multiple select columns as well. It has seamless filtering and allows you to use in memory information from FireDAC and TClientDataSet. Records or cells can have custom fonts or custom colors for even more flexibility. In addition to the grid component it comes with the following components in the suite:Â TwwSearchBox, TwwLayoutGrid, TwwRecordViewPanel, TwwLookupComboEdit, TwwComboEdit, TwwCalendarEdit, TwwCheckbox, TwwSwitch, TwwImageControl, TwwMemo, TwwEdit, and TwwFilterDialog. This is a commercial component but there is a free trial available. This component should also work with Appmethod.
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