VSB: TVertScrollBox;
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
CR: TCalloutRectangle;
L: TText;
TmpImg: TImage;
CR := TCalloutRectangle.Create(Self);
CR.Parent := VSB;
CR.Align := TAlignLayout.alTop;
CR.CalloutPosition := TCalloutPosition.cpLeft;
CR.Margins.Top := 10;
CR.Margins.Bottom := 10;
CR.Margins.Right := 5;
CR.Height := 75;
L := TText.Create(Self);
L.Parent := CR;
L.Align := TAlignLayout.alClient;
L.Text := 'A quick brown fox jumped over the yellow log running away from the pink dog and ran down the lane.';
L.Margins.Left := 15;
L.Margins.Right := 5;
L.Width := CR.Width-20;
L.WordWrap := True;
L.AutoSize := True;
L.OnPaint := LabelPaint;
TmpImg := TImage.Create(Self);
TmpImg.Parent := CR;
TmpImg.Align := TAlignLayout.alRight;
TmpImg.Width := 75;
Download the Delphi XE5 Firemonkey Demo Messenger Layout With Source
Update: There is also an update available which uses this code and includes a full XMPP messenger component for Delphi XE6 Firemonkey which you can read about here.
Update 2: You can also use TTMSFMXTableView in the TMS Pack for Firemonkey to achieve this same effect with much less code.