If you are wondering how to take the native Android third party SDK JAR file that you have and generate a Delphi interface for it then this is the tool for you. The Android2Delphi Import tool will take a JAR file like most of the Android third party developers use for their SDKs (PlayHaven, AdMob, Startapp, Leadbolt, Chartboost, Tapjoy, etc.) and generate a Delphi interface for it. This will save you tons of time from having to figure out and write the interface for yourself. The sample provided with it is how to generate a PAS file for the Google Cloud Messaging Service JAR. The only drawback is that the tool is a commercial tool and the only way to purchase it is via Bitcoins. If you don’t have any Bitcoins you’re out of luck. I’d like to see the option to at least pay via Paypal.
Update: Jim McKeeth has a blog post with his experience using the utility.
Update: There is another tool that will create interfaces for single Java class files.
Check out the Android 2 Delphi Import tool and bring your Bitcoins.