Embarcadero is having a Delphi online event in November 2020 featuring two FireMonkey sessions. The first session is around a new FireMonkey book called Delphi GUI Programming with FireMonkey by Andrea Magni. The second session called FireMonkey and Multi-Device Panel is a roundtable featuring Marco Cantù, Ray Konopka, Kelver Merlotti, David Millington and Olaf Monien. The sessions will be available after the date for on demand viewing. There are also a lot of other Delphi sessions available at Delphicon 2020.
- Delphicon 2020 Keynote
- Delphi at the University: Insights for Students and Teachers
- High Performance Delphi
- Functional Programming With Delphi
- Delphi Product Management & Architect Panel
Real-world CodeSite Logging Techniques - Windows VCL Panel
Leveraging High DPI in VCL Applications - FireDAC Database Access Panel
- Code Faster in Delphi
- Upgrade and Migration Panel
Delphi GUI Programming with FireMonkey - Powering the Web with Delphi
- Introduction to Spring4D – Taking Delphi Development to the Next Level
- FireMonkey and Multi-Device Panel
- Delphi in Education Panel
Head over and watch the new Delphicon 2002 FireMonkey sessions from Embarcadero!