If you are doing any background tasks in your Delphi XE5 Firemonkey app on IOS you may run into the problem of your IOS device going to sleep and pausing your app. There are a few different terms for this like idle timer, wake timeout. sleep, idle timeout, etc. There is a simple IOS API call which will allow you to disable and enable the idle timeout. Malcolm Groves has a blog post which highlights how to access this API call within Delphi XE5 Firemonkey. The property is called idleTimerDisabled in the IOS SDK. It’s use is as simple as calling setIdleTimerDisabled(True); from the UIApplication interface. I used this API call to disable the idle timer when I was downloading a bunch of items from the web in a background queue. When my queue was complete I enabled the idle timer again.
Check out the full blog post from Malcolm and see his example source for idleTimerDisabled.