DPF IOS was updated a couple days ago with a new component called TDPFRateApp and an accompanying demo called RateApp. What this component does is encourage your users to visit the App store and give a rating for your app. A lot of professional apps do this because usually people only go and rate an app if they don’t like it. This leads to only people who have problems rating your app and you getting low ratings. When you use the TDPFRateApp component it encourages the people who like your app to also go and rate your app (hopefully 5 stars!) leading to higher ratings overall on the app store. Be sure to implement this component or your own solution to help achieve a higher rating overall on the App store. This same idea applies to Android but at the moment this component is IOS only.
procedure TFRateApp.DPFButton1Click( Sender: TObject );
r: TDPFRateAppState;
r := DPFRateApp1.CheckRateApp( true );
if r = raRated then
DPFLabel1.Text := 'Rated'
else if r = raNoThanks then
DPFLabel1.Text := 'No, Thanks'
else if r = raRemindMeLater then
DPFLabel1.Text := 'Remind Me Later'
DPFLabel1.Text := 'Unknown';
Download the full IOS component suite and check out the rate app component.
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