Devart has released an upgraded version of their SecureBridge component set for Firemonkey in Delphi 10 Seattle. SecureBridge is a set of SSH, SSL, and SFTP components which work on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. With SecureBridge you can create SSH, SSL, and SFTP clients and servers to protect your data transfers over insecure networks. The SSH functionality allows you to create an SSH tunnel where you can use your existing application to connect and send data through the SSH tunnel. The SSH tunnel handles the encryption at the TCP level so that you don’t have to. You can also use the SSL components which operate at the application level. Support for Blowfish, AES128, AES192, AES256, Cast128, and TripleDES symmetric algorithms is included plus support for RSA and DSA asymmetric algorithms, and SHA1 and MD5 hashing algorithms. SecureBridge is a commercial component suite which utilizes industry standard encryption mechanisms. There are free trials available and the components should work with Appmethod and probably C++Builder.
Head over and check out all of the SecureBridge features before downloading the trial for Firemonkey in Delphi 10 Seattle.