Devart has released the full version of their EntityDAC ORM components for Delphi XE6 Firemonkey recently. Previously we covered the beta version of this and now the full release is available. Basically EntityDAC allows you to use object relational mapping and LINQ queries to speed up development. EntityDAC can go into your middle tier and it supports Windows and OSX. You could put the EntityDAC components in a DataSnap server and enable mobile devices (on Android and IOS) to talk to your database through DataSnap and then via the EntityDAC ORM components. It has a whole host of features including Visual ORM Model Designer, LINQ queries in Run-Time and Design-Time, LINQ code insight, Code, Attribute, and XML mapped Entities, Run-Time and Design-Time Live-Binding, and a whole lot more. It plugs into UniDAC, ODAC (Oracle), SDAC (MSSQL Server), MyDAC (MySQL), IBDAC (Interbase), PgDAC (PostgreSQL), and LiteDac (SQLite) for data providers. EntityDAC also supports Delphi XE5 and probably AppMethod. These components are a commercial set of components but look pretty reasonably priced.
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