Delphi Firemonkey lets you quickly build out prototype apps very quickly and deploy them to Android, IOS, OSX, Windows, Linux, and HTML5. I put together this Emoji Easter Eggs builder app over a couple days (between 5 and 10 hours). There are a number of different Delphi 10.3.3 FireMonkey features that are used within the app including Effects, LiveBindings, custom pixel access, sharing on mobile devices, the color picker panel components, and much more. The background color gradient can be customized, the color of the egg, the font color, the text of the message, the design on the egg, the accessory included in the lower right of the egg, and stripes available on some of the designs. The only image used within the app is the grass image. The app was mainly developed and tested on Windows 10 so there may need to be polish done for it to work at 100% on the other platforms. Deploying the app to HTML5 would be done via Thinfinity VirtualUI or broadwayd on Linux. The Linux version is possible via FMXLinux which is available in Delphi 10.3.3 Enterprise and Architect. In addition to the Delphi features used Emojis (special graphical Unicode characters) were used for a large part of the graphics found within the Emoji Easter Egg builder app. Emoji graphics are provided by the font and platform itself so the graphics look different depending on which platform you run the app on. One the emoji egg is configured how you would like it you can take a screenshot of your configuration. The screenshots can be saved or shared depending on the platform the app is run on.