Embarcadero has a getting started with LiveBindings guide in the Delphi XE6 Firemonkey documentation which explains the architecture and links to more information. It defines LiveBindings as an expression based framework because it uses bindings expressions to bind objects to other objects or data fields. What this means is that you can bind the TEdit.Text field to a TLabel.Text field and when you edit the text in the TEdit text field it will automatically update the text in the TLabel. Bindings can be unidirectional or bidirectional. However, properties of a component can only have one binding assigned to them at the same time. One way around that it says is for you to bind a property (like TEdit.Text) to a data field. Data fields can be bound to multiple properties. It explains that the term Link when used to describe a LiveBinding means it will automatically update controls and data sources to respond to user input. It lists the following visual components which are used to configure LiveBindings:
- TBindSourceDB Â Â Â Is used for creating bindings to databases.
- TPrototypeBindSource    Provides a data source for generating sample data that you can use to get started when you do not already have data to start with. Later you can replace this data source with some real data.
- TBindSourceDBX Â Â Â Is used for creating binding to databases using the DBX framework.
- TParamsAdapter    Is used for binding visual controls to DBX command parameters.
- TBindingsList    Is used for holding of binding lists.
- TDataGeneratorAdapter    Is an adapter for data generators.
- TAdapterBindSource    Is used for working with non-database data. The adapter property is used to connect the data source to non-database data, such as a generic collection of objects.
- TBindNavigator (FMX) Â Â Â Is used for cycling through records in a dataset when developing FMX applications
It also links to 7 different demo applications which demonstrate various features of LiveBindings. LiveBindings are available cross platform on Android, IOS, Windows, and OSX.
Head over and check out the full getting started page about LiveBindings on the Embarcadero site.