Embarcadero has released an Update for Delphi 10.2.2 Firemonkey with quite a few bug fixes for Firemonkey, the REST client, JSON, mobile keyboard bounds checking, Android performance issues, and deploying to Android and IOS devices. In addition to the Firemonkey fixes there are additional fixes across the product line including fixes in the compilers, FireDAC, BaaS, and the IDE. If you are on the Update Subscription you can download it now. If you are not on the Update Subscription you should be. According to the release notes there are also: “Several key new features were added, including FireMonkey Quick Edit support, a number of new VCL controls, a new dark themed IDE option, a RAD Server single site deployment license in Enterprise and Architect editions, installer and welcome page enhancements and more.” Macro Cantu has a blog post up about the Update with more information. Here are the important fixes that jump out:
- [NET] TNetHTTPClient.Head + HandleRedirects = Recives not the Full Header
- [NET] TURI SetParameter doesn’t update the Query
- [REST] Rest component seems not disconnecting
- [NET] TNetHTTPClient/TRESTRequest: TLS 1.1 and 1.2 unsupported
- [NET] THttpClient with TLS1.1 and TLS1.2 on older Windows systems
- [NET] HttpClient not process 304 correctly
- [JSON] TJSONObject.ToString() crashes after 1057 chars (unicode)
- [REST] TRESTRequest – Root element cannot start with a dot (Dropbox)
- [REST] TRESTClient handle/memory leak
- [REST] REST Redirect 302 behaviour changed Berlin
- [NET] THTTPClient POST redriects(301,302,303) has to be sent as GET
- [JSON] TJSONMarshal / TJSONUnMarshal causes conversion error w/ TDateTime field
- [JSON] TJson.Format() outputs invalid JSON
- [NET] HTTPClient handling 304 as redirection
- [REST] URIEncode function from REST.Utils doesn’t work properly
- [JSON] TJSON.ObjectToJsonObject raise an exception when object is nil
- [REST] TRESTRequest AfterExecute called twice if ExecuteAsyncused
- [FMX]Â Android rendering performance regression – Phase 2
- [FMX] Application with several tab & listview freeze when back from background On android
- [IOS] XCode9 and 64Bit not working (iOS)
- [FMX] Menus close prematurely on MacOS High Sierra
- [FMX] Applications recompiled with 10.2.1 showing lots of memory leaks!!!
- [FMX] TBitmap.LoadFromFile locks files exclusivly
- [FMX] clone() on second level herited component doesn’t work
- [FMX][Android][C++Builder]Drawing Noise is generated when selecting DropDownItem Of TComboBox(TComboBox::DropDownKind=Custom)
- [FMX] Program hanging by other Style
- [FMX] Multiview Popover does not work anymore
- [ANDROID] Android application crash at startup
- [FMX] Incorrect logic in TTabControl.FindVisibleTab can cause a crash
- [FMX] ScrollableFormDemo doesn’t work
- [ANDROID] Android Application->OnIdle Failed
- [FMX] A missing condition in unit FMX.WebBrowser in our app causes extremely memory usage and crash on mobile devices (both iOS and Android)
- [FMX] FormVirtualKeyboardShown gives wrong bounds
- [ANDROID] SubscribeToMessage in Android will crash
- [FMX] Exception on Gesture
- [IOS] iPhone 7 users can’t double tap
- [FMX] missing raise keyword in FMX.Context.Mac
- [FMX] RaiseContextExceptionFmt do not raise anythinh
- [FMX] [WIN]WebBrowser and StyleBook and MainMenu made app crash
- [FMX] AV when unloading DLL, containing FMX dialogs
- [IOS] iOS AdHoc not working with Tokyo 10.2.1
- [FIREDAC] FireDAC Can not connect to MS Sql Server 2000
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