Items from the release that are related to cross platform Firemonkey are:
- Apple’s new launch screen storyboard requirement.
- Delphi memory management is now unified across all supported platforms – mobile, desktop, and server.
- New styled TMemo component on the Windows platform.
- FMXLinux integration for building Linux GUI applications in Enterprise and Architect.
- TWebBrowser control for iOS is now implemented using the WKWebView API
- macOS implementation of Media Player control now used AVFoundation
- Expanded HTTP and REST Client libraries with additional HTTPS features
- LiveBindings Performance and Features Enhancements
The list of fixes applied to FireMonkey 10.4 are as follows:
TListView OnUpdatingObjects event handler not synch with datasource | Data, DataLiveBindings, FireMonkey | RSP-16014 |
Live Bindings Master/ Detail problem in FireMonkey | Data, DataLiveBindings, FireMonkey | RSP-16255 |
Access violation in dclbindcomp250.bpl when opeing a project | Data, DataLiveBindings, FireMonkey | RSP-18445 |
FMX relationship TClientDataSet TGrid program | Data, DataLiveBindings, FireMonkey | RSP-23224 |
Column index,1 out of bounds | Data, DataLiveBindings, FireMonkey | RSP-23941 |
Error formatting the TDateColumn with LiveBindings on Mac Os 64 bit | Data, DataLiveBindings, FireMonkey | RSP-27237 |
When using BindingsList, The number in the edit box is not inserted or updated after submission when the mouse clicks the up or down button of TUpDown (FMX / TSpinBox) | Data, DataLiveBindings, FireMonkey, VCL | RSP-21412 |
Interaction of Swipe gestures with button clicks | FireMonkey | AP-208 |
fmx client align apparently ignores system toolbar at bottom of screen | FireMonkey | AP-209 |
Exception when setting the text property of a TLabel if the text contains a line feed character | FireMonkey | RSB-1753 |
Integer overflow in FMX.InertialMovement (TAniCalculations FUpdateTimerCount) | FireMonkey | RSB-2555 |
Move some TControl3D methods from private section to protected | FireMonkey | RSB-2724 |
Can’t upload MacOS-64-App to AppStore because of deprecated API usage | FireMonkey | RSB-3037 |
iOS 13 Dark mode – switch event | FireMonkey | RSB-3357 |
Video playback fails on Catalina | FireMonkey | RSB-3375 |
iOS missing property list keys for Bluetooth LE development | FireMonkey | RSB-3428 |
access to macOS Documents folder is missing from the entitlements list | FireMonkey | RSB-3468 |
Audio recording is not working even though entitlement is set | FireMonkey | RSB-3469 |
DateEdit onEnter called too late | FireMonkey | RSB-3486 |
CameraControl freezes on all windows | FireMonkey | RSP-11625 |
FMX Hint | FireMonkey | RSP-13220 |
Disabling FMX Border Icon cause tips to not be displayed | FireMonkey | RSP-13663 |
Create double buffered FMX controls | FireMonkey | RSP-15576 |
Hints not shown when BorderIcons maximize is disabled. | FireMonkey | RSP-16240 |
TGrid: move Tcolumn.Layout property to public | FireMonkey | RSP-16415 |
TTetheringAppProfile.SendStream() doesn’t return false if the transmission failed everytime | FireMonkey | RSP-16430 |
TEdit ValidChars doesn’t work on Android | FireMonkey | RSP-16585 |
Delphi 10.1 Berlin FireMonkey (Mobile platform) – English and Chinese characters arrangement proble | FireMonkey | RSP-16590 |
OpenGL we always recreate the shared context just after the form is created | FireMonkey | RSP-16602 |
Memory Leak in TTextLayoutNG from FMX.TextLayout.GPU | FireMonkey | RSP-16664 |
Toggling Active state of TCameraComponent causes app to crash | FireMonkey | RSP-16812 |
TCheckCell.DrawCell should place CheckBox image into center of cell | FireMonkey | RSP-17083 |
Pan and Zoom gestures cannot be used simultaneously in Android | FireMonkey | RSP-17835 |
Push Notifications from FCM in an Android Service and iOS | FireMonkey | RSP-18006 |
Regarding Hint problem again | FireMonkey | RSP-18265 |
[Windows] FMX TEdit Component Error!!! | FireMonkey | RSP-18276 |
Regarding Control’s ClipChildren property | FireMonkey | RSP-18795 |
TBindNavigator::Visible property does not compile in C++ | FireMonkey | RSP-19037 |
Hint on TSpeedButton Result Segmentation Fault | FireMonkey | RSP-19306 |
Firemonkey Slow Paint [BUFFER IS THE SOLUTION] | FireMonkey | RSP-19432 |
GDI Leaks at FMX.Memo.Win | FireMonkey | RSP-19474 |
SharedHint Issue/Crash on mobile devices | FireMonkey | RSP-19479 |
Add TToolbar ShowHint & ParentShowHint | FireMonkey | RSP-19507 |
The size of the TTextLayout text displayed by TTextLayout::ConvertToPath and TTextLayout::LenderLayout is different. | FireMonkey | RSP-19590 |
Please change visibility of StyledMemo method | FireMonkey | RSP-19944 |
TCurrencyColumn for TGrid does not work properly | FireMonkey | RSP-20095 |
Cant get Caret position from mouse in TMemo | FireMonkey | RSP-20112 |
TGrid.OnSetValue evoke twice when click TCheckCell | FireMonkey | RSP-20125 |
VisualBindings is Slow, should be improved | FireMonkey | RSP-20325 |
Add IIsChecked interface to TRadioButton | FireMonkey | RSP-20374 |
Add IIsChecked interface to TMenuItem | FireMonkey | RSP-20410 |
Add IIsChecked interface to TSpeedButton | FireMonkey | RSP-20411 |
Multi-point gradients fail | FireMonkey | RSP-20497 |
Androidapi.JNIBridge source appears to be misaligned with binaries | FireMonkey | RSP-20651 |
Using Metal instead of OpenGL on Mac / iOS | FireMonkey | RSP-20667 |
TListView onChange called twice | FireMonkey | RSP-20828 |
FMX.Canvas.TextToPath() on Android behaves differently to Windows | FireMonkey | RSP-21137 |
wrong behave of OnClick in TLabel (Firemonkey) | FireMonkey | RSP-21187 |
OnResize event is triggered before (Frame)Create is complete | FireMonkey | RSP-21188 |
Can’t link xcode9.4 build Static Library framework in firemonkey | FireMonkey | RSP-21247 |
Invalid assumption in TTextLayoutNG.CreateFrame | FireMonkey | RSP-21249 |
TGestureEventInfo.Distance wrong on multimonitor system | FireMonkey | RSP-21326 |
TFrame.Enabled problem | FireMonkey | RSP-21447 |
TPushDeviceTokenData must contain the NSData of the token | FireMonkey | RSP-21539 |
Dont remove “Translation Tools” (FireMonkey TLang) | FireMonkey | RSP-21641 |
Ignoring value TComboTrackBar.DecimalDigits in runtime | FireMonkey | RSP-21821 |
TakeFotoFromCameraAction property Editable doesn’t work | FireMonkey | RSP-21921 |
FMX.Listbox.TComboBox Sort ignores comparer | FireMonkey | RSP-21924 |
Changes to FMX.Memo.Style.pas | FireMonkey | RSP-22406 |
dbl-click on TEdit doesn’t select last word | FireMonkey | RSP-22876 |
IF UIFileSharingEnabled is true/YES Application Loader rejects iOS-App because of type mismatch | FireMonkey | RSP-22926 |
TMemo crash triggered by EndUpdate during destruction | FireMonkey | RSP-22948 |
Hints stop displaying after form’s handle recreation | FireMonkey | RSP-23062 |
“ld” exited with code 1 when adding TetheringManager to project (Android) | FireMonkey | RSP-23073 |
TTimer can suddenly die without any notification | FireMonkey | RSP-23114 |
FMX.ListView.OnChange fires even if item doesn’t change | FireMonkey | RSP-23188 |
Rio officially only support Android 5+ but minSDK is 19 (4.4) which has problems | FireMonkey | RSP-23219 |
Android TNumberbox: onExit gets wrong value | FireMonkey | RSP-23299 |
Visibility of TFont.FFontSvc: IFMXSystemFontService | FireMonkey | RSP-23757 |
Tooltips and hints do not function for controls placed on layout containers | FireMonkey | RSP-23835 |
procedure TCustomForm.PaintBackground; must be set as virtual | FireMonkey | RSP-23841 |
Calendar causing crashes | FireMonkey | RSP-23873 |
Popup menu closes when clicking on item separator and on disabled items. | FireMonkey | RSP-23890 |
FMX [ANDROID] unable to use NDK API beyond 22 – App Crash on 23+ | FireMonkey | RSP-24016 |
MapView.OnMarkerDragEnd does not give new position | FireMonkey | RSP-24168 |
Access violation on TEdit when TEdit.ShowHint=True and there is text in TEdit.Hint and you tap on it | FireMonkey | RSP-24246 |
TCalendar OnDateSelected trigger loop | FireMonkey | RSP-24324 |
Inner borders drawn on TEdit, TCombo, TButton, TLabel …… | FireMonkey | RSP-24392 |
AV in TFMXViewBase.insertText | FireMonkey | RSP-24409 |
miss the declaration of UIAlertController/UIAlertAction in iOSApi.uiKit | FireMonkey | RSP-24740 |
Usage descriptions that could be added for macOS | FireMonkey | RSP-25593 |
Tab Stops do not follow Tab Order | FireMonkey | RSP-25964 |
fmx gpu rendering text property bug | FireMonkey | RSP-25974 |
TPopup and TScrollBox is not working well | FireMonkey | RSP-26042 |
Implement automatic dark mode switching | FireMonkey | RSP-26110 |
TCurrencyColumn wrong display | FireMonkey | RSP-26184 |
TCalendar wrong resizing with FireMonkey styles | FireMonkey | RSP-26332 |
TDateEdit IsEmpty is not persistent | FireMonkey | RSP-26353 |
TLayout Size 0 is not persistent | FireMonkey | RSP-26361 |
TBitmapCodecManager.SaveToFile raises AV | FireMonkey | RSP-26363 |
FireMonkey scaling of PopupMenu subitems doesn’t work | FireMonkey | RSP-26572 |
[macOS 64] Crash due to a tap with three fingers | FireMonkey | RSP-26642 |
Android 64 bit app crashes when calling TInAppPurchase.QueryProducts | FireMonkey | RSP-27140 |
Any iOS app cannot start without debugger | FireMonkey | RSP-27146 |
FMX.Tmediaplayer.Duration is negative. | FireMonkey | RSP-27166 |
Firemonkey App compiled with Rio 10.3.3 is not usable on a MacbookPro with macOS10.13 | FireMonkey | RSP-27197 |
InAppPurchase.QueryProducts crash App in Android64 | FireMonkey | RSP-27228 |
Wrong Decimals in NumberBox when Value is greater than 32767 | FireMonkey | RSP-27282 |
incorrect declaration export function JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString | FireMonkey | RSP-27340 |
NSLocale missing a number of methods | FireMonkey | RSP-27353 |
FMX.TListBoxGroupHeader – default FALSE value in TextSettings.WordWrap not works | FireMonkey | RSP-27470 |
Firemomkey – android. Onkeyup event not called | FireMonkey | RSP-27496 |
Support newer Android NDK than 17 | FireMonkey | RSP-27509 |
Bad TLabel text rendering quality on some Android devices | FireMonkey | RSP-27520 |
TTreeView expanding items during begin update does not work | FireMonkey | RSP-27739 |
InputQuery on iOS should not show first prompt as message when using two prompts | FireMonkey | RSP-27777 |
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage UIWebView warning from Apple | FireMonkey | RSP-27902 |
Bug in rendering ListView items | FireMonkey | RSP-27917 |
TNumberCell. Shortcoming in the validation of valid characters | FireMonkey | RSP-28057 |
FMX and VCL default exception handlers produce uninformative error messages with EAggregateException (as raised by ITask.Wait etc.) | FireMonkey | RSP-9539 |
Circular references when using 3D controls | FireMonkey, FireMonkey3D Components | RSP-9785 |
FMX Hint Cannot display if the form is transparent | FireMonkey, FireMonkeyComponents | RSP-12907 |
C++Builder 10 Seattle – Hint function will fail | FireMonkey, FireMonkeyComponents | RSP-13065 |
Hint is not shown if there is no Maximize button in form frame | FireMonkey, FireMonkeyComponents | RSP-13218 |
classes.dex contains superfluous gingerbread dialog classes | FireMonkey, FireMonkeyRuntime | RSP-13159 |
TApplicationEvent.WillBecomeInactive is called after TApplicationEvent.EnteredBackground for the Android platform | FireMonkey, FireMonkeyRuntime | RSP-18686 |
provider_paths.xml is missing entries | FireMonkey, FireMonkeyRuntime | RSP-26950 |
Performance optimizations – TStyledControl.FindStyleResource | FireMonkey, FireMonkeyStyles | RSP-10814 |
LongTap gesture event in Android has no TInteractiveGestureFlag.gfEnd | FireMonkey, IDE | RSP-23806 |
BannerAd header error on Windows targeted android project | FireMonkey, Install | RSP-20929 |
TNotificationCenter.PresentNotification not working on iOS10 devices (for R104) | FireMonkey, RTL | RSP-16762 |
Multi-platform App crashes on OSX when Abort is called and ‘posix.stdlib’ is in ‘uses’ section | FireMonkey, RTL, RTLDelphi | RSP-19307 |
GLHasAnyErrors is a little useless as it’s not show the error code | FireMonkey, RTL, RTLDelphi | RSP-21577 |
The iOS framework interface for NSNotification is missing ‘object’ property | FireMonkey, RTL, RTLDelphi | RSP-24206 |
Light and dark theme flag for VCL and FMX styles | FireMonkey, VCL | RSP-21531 |
Replace Internet Explorer based TWebBrowser with IWebView2 | FireMonkey, VCL | RSP-27543 |
Head over and check out the full list of updates for Delphi 10.4 Firemonkey.