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Mega Fixes And Updates For Delphi 10.3.2 Firemonkey On Android, IOS, MacOS, Windows, And Linux

| Delphi 11 10 XE8 XE7 XE Seattle Berlin Tokyo Rio Firemonkey Delphi Android Delphi IOS

| Delphi 11 10 XE8 XE7 XE Seattle Berlin Tokyo Rio Firemonkey Delphi Android Delphi IOSRAD Studio 10.3.2 Rio (Delphi + C++Builder) has been released with some significant enhancements to the Firemonkey framework. 10.3.2 includes a new MacOSX 64-bit compiler to satisfy new Apple requirements for desktop development. Shortly before the release of 10.3.2 FMXLinux was made available via GetIt as well bringing Firemonkey to Linux (and HTML5). This means that the target platforms that Firemonkey currently officially supports are now Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, MacOS 32-bit, MacOS 64-bit, Android 32-bit, IOS 32-bit, IOS 64-bit, Linux 64-bit, and HTML5 (through web sockets). That is a pretty impressive target platform list to be able to deploy to with a single UI and single codebase using natively compiled code.

Items from the release that related to cross platform Firemonkey are:

  • FireMonkey styles performance optimization
  • Better FullScreen mode on iOS including visible status bar
  • Android FireBase Support
  • Android Improvements to icons for all notifications.
  • Updates to Google Play services and Maps to match Firebase version support requirements.
  • Firebase replaces Google Cloud Messaging (deprecated by Google).
  • FireMonkey Linux provides the ability to create GUI applications for Linux,
  • Improvements in FMX support for the macOS platform, for both 64-bit and 32-bit apps.
  • TEdit improvements on Android.
  • Improved compatibility with older versions of Android.
  • TMediaPlayer quality on Android and Windows.

The list of fixes applied to FireMonkey 10.3.2 are as follows:

“Copy from” in read only TEdit or TMemo does not work FireMonkey RSP-22936
“Include Splash Image” [Unchecked] causing crash on app start. FireMonkey RSP-24057
“Numbers” mode on virtual keyboard does not persist FireMonkey RSP-23745
[10.1.2 Regression] TColorComboBox behaviour FireMonkey RSP-18451
[10.2.3 Regression] Demonstration application “VideoPlayback/VideoPlayerTest.dpr” on Android does not work FireMonkey RSP-22956
[Android] TrackBar is not trackable after click outside of track button FireMonkey RSP-23055
[mac]Window list does not appear on Dock menu. FireMonkey RSP-12309
[MacOS] A crash in FMX.Forms when closing a modal window FireMonkey RSP-18217
[Win] TMainMenu top level MenuItems do not respond to the OnClick event FireMonkey RSP-14707
Android Tedit , TnumberBox dont’ accept local decimal number FireMonkey RSP-21848
Android, TMessageReceivedNotification: TForm ist not shown FireMonkey RSP-24676
Any multithreaded Android app can crash! FireMonkey RSP-24446
Bitmap size too big Exception FireMonkey RSP-15923
bug in function TPathData.GetNumberFromString FireMonkey RSP-21452
Bug TMediaPlayerControl when Form Changed FireMonkey RSP-19193
Cannot Create OpenGL Context etc under Android FireMonkey RSP-23205
Compile for macOS 64 bit FireMonkey RSP-20725
Degradation in TStyledMemo FireMonkey RSP-23611
error in TAndroidNativeView.Destroy FireMonkey RSP-24666
Error-message by open a Datamodule with TImageList FireMonkey RSP-21878
Firemonkey on macOS – modal forms do not completely disable background form FireMonkey RSP-18065
FMX.Dialogs.ShowMessage() on Android freezes animation FireMonkey RSP-21342
Form->Hide() on macOS hides all forms FireMonkey RSP-21792
GestureManager report error when selecting standard gestures FireMonkey RSP-24503
Get a runtime error in context method ‘DoDrawPrimitivesBatch’ FireMonkey RSP-23198
GL_TEXTURE0 unavailable under MacOSX FireMonkey RSP-16360
Google Play Services packages for Android need updating FireMonkey RSP-21273
Hints causing exceptions on iOS and Android FireMonkey RSP-23673
How to optimize Styles loading, TText and TLabel – a way to easily speed up styles and TText (DelAmp problem) FireMonkey RSP-21096
Icons on Notifications in Android with 26 SDK FireMonkey RSP-23087
Implement FullScreen on iOS including visible status bar FireMonkey RSP-19655
Loading styles from files doesn’t update backgrounds FireMonkey RSP-21252
MenuItem.Visible does not work anymore since De 10.3.1 Rio FireMonkey RSP-23916
Modal form moves behind other form FireMonkey RSP-17765
MultiView (platform) z-order stops working with TBannerAd FireMonkey RSP-23350
NotificationCenter: 2 bugs with Android FireMonkey RSP-16034
Object inspector scrolling crashes IDE (TLisview) FireMonkey RSP-24710
on android Tedit with plateform style will crash if android EditText style have no background FireMonkey RSP-24712
on win xp can not run fmx app. FireMonkey RSP-22943
OnClick-Event ist never fired for MainMenu-Item on Top-Level FireMonkey RSP-22016
Point not in layout FireMonkey RSP-24059
Property TSaveDialog.DefaultExt is doesn’t work on macOS FireMonkey RSP-21788
Resizing Firemonkey TListView removes custom added TListViewItem at runtime FireMonkey RSP-24668
Setting the read only property has no effect under Android and delphi 10.3 FireMonkey RSP-23346
TControl3D.LocalToScreen returns wrong value FireMonkey RSP-24418
TEdit with Readonly = True still allows Backspace to work in Android FireMonkey RSP-23910
TEdit: Android Application terminates when virtual keyboard is closed using arrow (“hide”) button, in horizontal device layout only. FireMonkey RSP-23471
TInAppPurchase Memory Leak FireMonkey RSP-24613
TLayer3D with button raised EContext3DException exception on macOS FireMonkey RSP-21530
TListView Searchbox issue on iOS FireMonkey RSP-23812
TMainMenu Does Not Update When TForm.StyleBook Is Changed FireMonkey RSP-24549
TMapView + Android 9 FireMonkey RSP-23638
TMediaPlayer (FMX) does not set State to Stopped on Win32 (does on Android and MacOS) FireMonkey RSP-21688
TMediaPlayerControl and TMediaPlayer won’t stop under Delphi 10.3 with Android FireMonkey RSP-21936
TMediaPlayerControl does not show the video but the audio play fine FireMonkey RSP-19581
TMemo exception if emoticon at end of line on Android FireMonkey RSP-23474
TTextLayout.PositionAtPoint not work under macos (and maybe ios too) when wordwrap = false FireMonkey RSP-16648
TViewport3D Align-Client size not correct on Android. FireMonkey RSP-18519
TWinWindowHandle.DpiChanged improperly scale window FireMonkey RSP-18270
Use of TMainMenu on OS X suspends main thread FireMonkey RSP-20488
Using Bitmap Canvas in a thread causes warnings in Android logcat FireMonkey RSP-24298
When modal dialog closes, the modal form also closes. FireMonkey RSP-13874
Window minimize-restore via taskbar icon click is broken in all Windows flavours FireMonkey RSP-16233
Wrong TCriticalSection is used in CreateJBitmapFromYuvBuffer method in FMX.Media.Android FireMonkey RSP-23791
[Android, iOS]Complex TPath with Gradient causes App Crash FireMonkey, FireMonkeyComponents RSP-15647
2 Popup Menu were shown at the same time. FireMonkey, FireMonkeyComponents RSP-13869
Even after the patch of February this error happen: Context3D Exception with message ‘Cannot activate shader program for ‘TContext Android FireMonkey, FireMonkeyComponents RSP-19814
[10.1.2 Regression] Cannot register custom bitmap codec in FireMonkey FireMonkey, FireMonkeyRuntime RSP-19170
TCanvasD2D.DoDrawPath will not close paths in some cases causing graphics corruption FireMonkey, FireMonkeyRuntime RSP-16336
[MacOS] TTimer OnTimer not triggered when a native menu is displayed FireMonkey, RTL, RTLDelphi RSP-24295
[FMX] Multiple errors with memory manager ? FireMonkey, RTLDelphi RSP-19653

Check out the full list of over 400 fixes for Delphi 10.3.2 FireMonkey on Android, IOS, OSX, Windows, Linux, and HTML5!

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