One of the comments on our Multithreaded dialog post pointed out another set of progress and activity dialog components for Delphi XE5 Firemonkey. These components are from Yaroslav Brovin and it looks like they wrap native Android and IOS functionality. So when you use this progress dialog on Android you’re actually using the native Java progress and activity dialog. On IOS you’re actually using a native UIView for your progress and activity dialogs. The names of the two components are TfgProgressDialog and TfgActivityDialog. I like this solution a lot because it is cross platform which means it handles both Android and IOS natively with Delphi XE5 Firemonkey. The components include a full demo on how to use them and I’ve included some of that code below:
procedure TForm6.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
fgProgressDialog.Message := 'Preparing downloading content';
fgProgressDialog.Kind := TfgProgressDialogKind.Undeterminated;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Kind := TfgProgressDialogKind.Determinated;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Message := 'Union units...';
fgProgressDialog.Progress := 10;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Message := 'Sorting units in package...';
fgProgressDialog.Progress := 20;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Message := 'Removed comments...';
fgProgressDialog.Progress := 60;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Message := 'Finishig';
fgProgressDialog.Progress := 90;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Progress := 100;
// do work
There isn’t really a blog post that I know of that goes with these components but instead there is a Youtube video. A link to the components is in the Youtube comments and I have mirrored them below as well in case the originals go down.
Check out the YouTube video on how to use the native progress and activity dialog components.
Mirror: Delphi XE5 Firemonkey Native Progress Dialog Components
Update: The packages have a complex directory structure but you might have trouble with. I made a new archive with the package directory structure flattened out. Hopefully this makes it easier to use. Download Delphi XE5 Firemonkey Native Platform Dialogs
I can not install the component, can someone help?
thank you
I finally got a change to try and correct this. Try this new archive.
The BPL files are not installed in the right place but if you open the Group project it compiles at least.
fgx190.bpl ??
Yes the paths for this component set are not setup correctly. My first attempt to flatten out the paths was not 100% successful yet.
There were indeed some troubles with installation, but that’s not important. I prefer to create components in run-time on request. The components are really great, thanks!