procedure TForm6.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
fgProgressDialog.Message := 'Preparing downloading content';
fgProgressDialog.Kind := TfgProgressDialogKind.Undeterminated;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Kind := TfgProgressDialogKind.Determinated;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Message := 'Union units...';
fgProgressDialog.Progress := 10;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Message := 'Sorting units in package...';
fgProgressDialog.Progress := 20;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Message := 'Removed comments...';
fgProgressDialog.Progress := 60;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Message := 'Finishig';
fgProgressDialog.Progress := 90;
// do work
fgProgressDialog.Progress := 100;
// do work
There isn’t really a blog post that I know of that goes with these components but instead there is a Youtube video. A link to the components is in the Youtube comments and I have mirrored them below as well in case the originals go down.
Check out the YouTube video on how to use the native progress and activity dialog components.
Mirror: Delphi XE5 Firemonkey Native Progress Dialog Components
Update: The packages have a complex directory structure but you might have trouble with. I made a new archive with the package directory structure flattened out. Hopefully this makes it easier to use. Download Delphi XE5 Firemonkey Native Platform Dialogs