One of the new features that ships with Delphi XE7 Firemonkey is a new automatic master detail component called TMultiView (it also ships with AppMethod). With XE5 and XE6 you could implement this drawer style manually but it took a lot of extra work to handle all the master detail layout possibilities. The new TMultiView component solves all of those problems and automatically configures itself based on the device it is running on (Android, Windows, IOS, OSX). You can change the properties to tell it exactly how you want it to appear on each size device. It supports drawer navigation for phone size devices, docked navigation for desktop and tablet devices, and even a popover navigation mode for when your tablet device is in portrait mode. In our Firemonkey enterprise application we implemented master detail views for phone size devices manually. Now that our Firemonkey enterprise app has been upgraded to XE7 we’ll be looking at using the new TMultiView component to increase screen real estate. David Intersimone from Embarcadero has a blog post up here with some links to various info about the TMultiView component including a video demo. Sarina DuPont from Embarcadero has a more extensive blog post up explaining how to setup and use the TMultiView component. Her blog post shows how to configure the MasterButton property for bringing up the drawer, how to set the DrawerOptions properties, how to use the PopoverOptions, and finally how to set the SplitViewOptions.
Head over to check out the full blog post by Sarina and then check out the three MultiView demo source code at the end of the post.