Devart has an ORM suite for Delphi XE5 Firemonkey that supports LINQ on both Windows and OSX. LINQ stands for language-integrated query and was a feature first introduced in VS 2008. Basically what it does is provide sort of an interface for SQL instead of writing SQL queries yourself you plug into th interface and it writes the queries and translates them into entities and objects for you. Devart’s ORM suite is called EntityDAC and it has a whole host of features including Visual ORM Model Designer, LINQ queries in Run-Time and Design-Time, LINQ code insight, Code, Attribute, and XML mapped Entities, Run-Time and Design-Time Live-Binding, and a whole lot more. It plugs into UniDAC, ODAC (Oracle), SDAC (MSSQL Server), MyDAC (MySQL), IBDAC (Interbase), PgDAC (PostgreSQL), and LiteDac (SQLite( for data providers. It comes in an Express version which is free and then a Standard and Professional version which are commercial paid components. If you want to use EntityDAC from your Android and IOS apps you could run a DataSnap server with an ISAPI on IIS and have EntityDAC in your DataSnap server.
Head over and check out the Firemonkey ORM with LINQ support component suite.
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