The Gorilla3D Framework for FireMonkey has been updated with significant new features and support for Android64 (in addition to Windows). Gorilla3D is a powerful, easy to use, and modern 3D framework for Delphi and C++ Builder FireMonkey. IOS and OSX support are not mentioned. This is a commercial product but source code is available. It’s nice to see some significant improvement in 3D solutions for FireMonkey with this solution. The main new features in this release are listed as:
- 10.4.1 support incl. ANDROID64 support
- WBOIT Rendering for order-independent rendering (no sorting of elements anymore)
- TGorillaPhysicsCharacterController
- TGorillaFirstPersonController, TGorillaThirdPersonController
- TGorillaAnimationController
- TGorillaTriggerPointsManager
- TGorillaAudioManagerController
- Multiple sources in billboarding
- Texture format support for 2D, 3D and CubeMap textures
- Individual blend controlling in your render pass
- New primitives: torus, cone, tube, capsule
- New 3D formats: gltf, babylon, sketchfab
- more materials inherited from TGorillaDefaultMaterialSource
- New Materials: TGorillaSharedMaterialSource, TGorillaSharedAtlasMaterialSource
- New capsule physics collider
- Bugfixed terrain/mesh collider
- Skybox is now rendered from cube map
- 100+ bugfixes
Here a list of the currently implemented features inside the framework.
- Skin-, Skeleton- und Vertexanimations for 3D Meshes (Key-Animations)
- Integrated and fast Q3 Physics Engine (with collision detection)
- Materials: textures, normal-mapping, vertex-color, phong-, blinn-, lambert-materials, water and reflection, layered materials, splatmaps, terrain-material, atlas-texturing
- Loading complex multi-mesh models with UV-textures
- Logical model management (independent from FireMonkey tree), to manage a large amount of meshes and to instanciate separatly
- Flexible particle-system with influencer-classes (up to 100K particle at runtime)
- Shadow-Mapping and Variance-Shadow-Mapping (experimental)
- Frustum Culling
- Fog rendering
- Cubemap-Textures and Texture3D support
- Mesh-Multiplication with multiple sources for grass and trees
- Order-Independent Rendering (WBOIT) for better transparency effects
- Multipass-Rendering
- Bokeh/Depth-Of-Field
- Skybox-support
- Terrain rendering: from height-maps and procedural algorithms (Diamond-Square, Perlin-Noise, …)
- SphereTerrain variation of default terrain component
- CVLOD Terrain for large terrain with chunks and auto-focus level of detail detection
- New Point3D-, Quaternion-, Transformationsmatrix- und VertexKey-Animationen
- FMOD AudioManager for professional audio playback
- AssetsManager with packaging system
- Flexible DialogueSystem: load, save and edit at runtime
- Flexible InventorySystem: load, save and edit at runtime
- Flexible SkillSystem: load, save and edit at runtime
- InputController for easy usage of hotkeys and input sequence detection
- FirstPerson- and ThirdPerson character controllers
- PhysicsCharacterController combines InputController, CharacterController (FirstPerson/ThirdPerson), AnimationController, AudioManagerController, TriggerPoints controlling and Q3 Physics to build a modern 3D game with physics collision.
- GorillaScript for easy scripting implementation and using FMX and Gorilla3D at runtime
- Fast 3D model loading
- Compatible with existing FireMonkey components
- Platform-independent: WIN32, WIN64, ANDROID, ANDROID64
- Formate: G3D, X3D, X3DZ, X3DVZ, OBJ, STL, DAE, FBX, glTF, Babylon, Sketchfab
- C++ support by header and lib files
Head over and check out all of the info about Gorilla3D for Delphi FireMonkey!