Developer Thomas G. Grubb from RiverSoftAVG has upgraded his SVG Component Library with new functionality and support for Firemonkey in Delphi 10 Seattle. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics and is an industry standard vector based file format. Vector graphics are drawn at runtime which allows them to appear smooth regardless of the resolution and DPI of the device. They can be a good alternative to shipping multiple bitmaps for each different device resolution in your apps. This new version has an SVG image list component which can save memory and disk space especially on mobile. You can also edit and save SVG files with these new components in addition to Delphi binary files plus you can now embed the SVG files within your applications. We’ve covered these components before as well. The components work on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. There is a huge list of other features that the SVG Component Library provides. This is a commercial component suite and there is also a bundle of the other RiverSoftAVG component suites you can get it with as well. There are multiple FMX and VCL demos demonstrating these components. You should be able to use them with Appmethod and C++Builder as well.