Developer David Intersimone from Embarcadero has a blog post up with a quick fix for applying the Android 4.4 theme to dialogs in Delphi XE7 Firemonkey. Basically dialogs in Android 2.3 and Android 4.4 have a different look. The default install of Delphi XE7 Firemonkey applies the Android 2.3 look to the dialog boxes. If you want to have the Android 4.4 look for your dialog boxes you can apply this fix. Basically the fix is to get your FMX.Helpers.Android.pas file and copy it to your project directory. You then edit the two GetNativeTheme() functions to return the result of the GetThemeFromDescriptor() call inside that function. Once you make this quick fix your dialogs on Android should start having the Android 4.4 look if that is the version of Android that you are running. The blog post has code snippets that show you exactly what you should change to make it happen. This quick fix should also apply to Appmethod.