ConnectionInfo := WifiManager.getConnectionInfo;
Memo.Lines.Add('Connection info');
Memo.Lines.Add(' SSID: ' + JStringToString(ConnectionInfo.getSSID));
Memo.Lines.Add(' BSSID: ' + JStringToString(ConnectionInfo.getBSSID));
Memo.Lines.Add(' MAC address: ' + JStringToString(ConnectionInfo.getMacAddress));
ScanResults := WifiManager.getScanResults;
for I := 0 to ScanResults.size - 1 do
Memo.Lines.Add('Detected access point ' + IntToStr(I));
ScanResult := TJScanResult.Wrap((ScanResults.get(I) as ILocalObject).GetObjectID);
Memo.Lines.Add(' SSID: ' + JStringToString(ScanResult.SSID));
Memo.Lines.Add(' BSSID: ' + JStringToString(ScanResult.BSSID));
Memo.Lines.Add(' Capabilities: ' + JStringToString(ScanResult.capabilities));
Memo.Lines.Add(' Frequency: ' + IntToStr(ScanResult.frequency) + 'MHz');
Memo.Lines.Add(' Signal level: ' + IntToStr(ScanResult.level) + 'dBm');
Head over and download the full demo of the Wifi information demo in Delphi XE7 Firemonkey.
Read Connected And Nearby Wifi SSID Info In Delphi XE7 Firemonkey On Android