Paweł Głowacki from Embarcadeo has a group of six different FireDAC demo projects up from his recent video session for Delphi XE5 Firemonkey. The demo projects themselves use VCL forms but there is nothing stopping you from re-creating the projects as a Firemonkey project for desktop or mobile and running them on Android and IOS. Full source code for the demos is available and the demos are: FireDAC Demo 101, FireDAC Monitoring, FireDAC Cached Updates, FireDAC Array DML, FireDAC Batch Commands, and FireDAC Connection Recovery. FireDAC Demo 101 is just a simple demo that shows how to setup FireDAC in your app and looks like it uses LiveBindings. FireDAC Monitoring shows how you can do remote monitoring using FireDAC. FireDAC Cached Updates shows you how you can cache updates with FireDAC and apply them all at once. FireDAC Array DML shows you how you can increase the speed of FireDAC by transporting more than one set of data within the same transfer. FireDAC Batch Commands shows you how you can execute batch commands with FireDAC. Lastly the FireDAC Connection Recovery demo shows you how to use the TFDConnection OnRecover event to reconnect if you lose connection.
Head over to the blog post to read more about the six demos and watch the video sessions. And then download the source code for the FireDAC demos.