Here is another SVG component for Delphi XE5 Firemonkey with support for Android and IOS. This is a commercial SVG component which has two methods of processing SVG files. The first method is as a parser that lets you create the SVG image at runtime. The second method is you can import the SVG image at design time where it becomes a compound control made up of SVG child objects (TSVGGroup, TSVGPath, TSVGSPan, and TSVGText). You can use Delphi’s native TXMLDocument component with it or a third party component like TNativeXML. Not all SVG functionality is implemented but if you just have graphics in your SVG files and they aren’t too complex it should work out for you. You can always bake the graphics that aren’t supported into more static objects before loading them up into Delphi with this component. This component is from Bruno Verhue.
There is a second commercial SVG component for Delphi XE5 Firemonkey here.
Check out the demo and examples and test out your SVG before buying the source.