David Intersimone from Embarcadero has a blog post up about a new Hotfix for Delphi XE7 Firemonkey that allows you to use the IOS 7.1 Simulator with Xcode 6. Apparently, changes were made to the Xcode 6 IOS8 simulator which causes it to not work correctly with Delphi. This Hotfix patches the PAServer that Delphi talks to on your Mac machine where Xcode is installed to allow it to launch the IOS 7.1 Simulator instead. The blog post states that Embarcadero is working on a fix to allow the IOS 8 Simulator to work with Delphi. Personally I think it is much easier to just test your IOS app in Win32 and then deploy directly to the device for final device testing. The IOS Simulator seems like the worst of both as you have to wait for it to deploy via the PAServer and it doesn’t offer the full functionality of a real IOS device. I guess if you don’t have a real IOS device than the IOS Simulator is the next best thing.
Head directly to the Embarcadero Code Central site to download the Delphi XE7 Firemonkey PAServer Hotfix for the Xcode 6 IOS Simulator.