Developer Erik Salaj from Winsoft has released a printing library for Android which supports Delphi XE8 Firemonkey. It utilizes the Android Print and PrintHelper API so it does not support IOS, Windows, or OSX. Additionally, it requires at least Android 4.4 (KitKat) or higher. You can print images and html pages with the library. This is a commercial library but source code is included in the full version. The library should also work in Appmethod and C++Builder. A trial and a demo are both available. Also be sure to check out the Winsoft Component Package which gets you this library and a huge number of other libraries at a significant savings. Here are some examples of code images and print html page:
uses Winsoft.Android.Print;
procedure PrintImage (bmp: TBitmap);
if SystemSupportsPrint then
PrintBitmap (bmp, 'logo', TColorMode.Color, TOrientation.Landscape, TScaleMode.Fit)
ShowMessage ('Printing is not supported on this device');
procedure PrintHtml (url: string);
if SystemSupportsPrint then
PrintHtml (url, 'web page')
ShowMessage ('Printing is not supported on this device');
I have a javascript content into the web page and it doesn’t appears at the impression. What can I do?